• Address
  • Ascentim Legal Solicitors, London

Family Law Fees

Family Law

We understand that nothing can be more distressing than breakdown of a relationship. Our team of experts are here to help you get through your difficult times.

Complicated and emotional decisions need to be made at a time when many can feel vulnerable, or at a loss to know how to resolve the issues in front of them so as best to protect themselves and their family.

Our Family lawyers have expertise in providing you with comprehensive advice on a range of services related to Family law including:-

  • Divorce and separation
  • Financial settlements / maintenance following divorce and separation
  • Residence / Contact / Custody of children (now known as Child Arrangement Orders)
  • Child abduction
  • Injunctions such as Non-molestation orders and Occupation orders
  • Relationship agreements such as:-
        - Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements
        - Civil partnerships agreements
        - Separation agreements
        - Cohabitation / living together agreements
  • Advice on the validity of overseas marriages and divorces, such as a Nikah or Talaq
  • Advising cohabitating and unmarried couples on the financial arrangements upon separation

Fixed Fees

Undefended Divorce – Petitioner £999.00*

Undefended Divorce – Respondent £799.00*

*Costs referred to on this page do not include Court fees, VAT and certain other terms apply. These costs do not cover negotiations relating to finances or children.
All prices subject to full terms and conditions.
For professional, friendly legal expertise and advice, call us on 0207 646 5461 or email us at info@ascentimlegal.com